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English for Business Communication (BEGE-104)

Assignment Code: BDP/BEGE-104/TMA/2022-23

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English for Business Communication (BEGE-104)

Assignment Code: BDP/BEGE-104/TMA/2022-23
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer all questions
1 Draw up a proposal for package tour of all the important tourist destinations in your state in
response to enquiries by an educational institution with an international student population.
They will need you to organize this tour on a regular basis three times a year. (20)
Collect information about students, nationality, age group, attitudes
Collect information about suitable tourist destination
Collect information about travel and accommodation tariffs
Calculate number of days required for a comprehensive tour
Calculate staff costs
Calculate profit margin.
2 Make appropriate sentences for the situation given below. One is given as an example. (7)
Example: Answering the telephone.
Answer: Good morning Kavita Nagapal speaking. How may I help you?
i) Offering to take a message.
ii) Saying who you are.
iii) Asking to speak to Aman.
iv) Asking the caller for more information about the call.
v) Saying someone is unavailable.
vi) Asking for the caller’s name.
vii) Asking the caller to repeat something.
3. (4)
i) What information does the above box give you?
ii) What is being proposed?
iii) To whom is it addressed?
iv) By whom is it proposed?
Proposal for Acquiring Additional Floor Space
For KIDS’ WORLD, Visakhapatnam Branch
Submitted to the General Manager
By the Regional Manager, Visakhapatnam
12 September
4. (3)
i) What does the summary indicates?
ii) What are the essential points it highlights?
iii) Will the reader view the proposal favourably on reading the summary?
4. Change the following sentences into the passive voice. Omit the doer where it is necessary. (10)
i) China produces these types of telephones.
ii) We make water from a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen.
iii) Someone hit my car from the back.
iv) Employers pay many manual workers weekly.
v) Madam Curie discovered Radium.
vi) They announced the winners of the Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry yesterday.
vii) Countries store most nuclear waste underground.
viii) If there is a vacancy, we first ask suitable in-house candidates to apply.
ix) They have cleared all the roads in the area due to VIP movement.
x) They elected a new mayor yesterday.
5. Complete the sentences with suitable phrasal verbs from the box. (10)
i) Why don’t we ……………………….. the new deal on the way to the airport?
ii) We ………………………………………..the electricity during ‘Earth Hour’?
iii) I will ……………………………your email.
iv) We……………………………….his offer as the price he quoted was too high.
v) I…………………………….getting results, don’t you?
vi) We will have to …………………….the PR Manager to give his opinion.
vii) Prashant is going to …………………………the new factory.
viii) I have to …………………..the phone now, as I’m getting late for my meeting.
ix) The management will have to ………………………….a better solution if it wants to pacify the
x) Can you………………….. the message to Mr. Bose when you meet him?
It is proposed that the floor of KIDS’ WORLD, Visakhapatnam be
increased in view of the tremendous increase in the volume of
sales over the past three years. The first floor of the present
premises has been identified as suitable for the purpose. The
cost of investment for the lease can easily be compensated for
by the returns on it by way of increased sales.
switch off come up with believe in look after
hang up look forward to wait for pass on
talk about turn down
6. Change the words in bold into direct speech. (10)
(a) Geetika Singh said that she was vey keen to work for us. (b) She said that she had been
working at Pioneering Publisher for the last three years. When we asked her about her
reasons for leaving, she said that (c) she liked what she did, but she wanted more
responsibility and challenges. As far as her terms of notice are concerned, she said that (d)
she couldn’t leave her job for another month. When we offered her the job in our
company she said that (e) she would be glad to join provided she was given a promotion as
Chief Editor.
7. Complete the letter given below. (10)
[ To – Name]
[City, State PIN code]
Dear [Ms./Mr. last name]
It has been a month since we installed your new dishwasher …………………………………………………….
Plese help us to serve you better by filling in the enclosed customer feedback form, ………………….
Thanks for buying our product. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
[Your name]
8. Prepare a checklist of writing effective sales letters. (10)
9. Some words can be used a noun, verb, adjectives or adverb. For example, the word ‘sound’ can
be used as a noun (‘The ugly sound of honking cars is a regular feature of life in Delhi’), as a verb
(‘As soon as the siren sounded, the people left their work stations to go home’), as an adjective
(‘ She gave me sound advice’) or as an adverb (‘She slept soundly’).
Fill in the sentences below with the appropriate words given in the box. Remember to make the
necessary changes in the word. (4)
(a) Some business letters are in the form of a questionnaire in which you have to answer a set
of ……………………………………………………
(b) When the Manager ……………………………………………..his subordinates about the missing file,
they answered quite fearlessly.
(c) His ………………………. Spirit has not dimmed with advancing years.
(d) He looked at me……………………………………….
(e) The ……………………..weather kept people at home.
(f) The MD ………………………………out of the meeting after meeting stiff opposition to his
(g) The strike was like a ………………………….in a teacup because it ended within a few hours of its
(h) The dewdrops glinted and ……………………….in the morning sunshine.
(i) The …………………….waters of the spring gushed out from the side of the mountain.
(j) A …………………………of mischief lit up the face of the child.
(k) He is a ………………………visitor to Delhi.
(l) The Manager noticed that employees ……………………………..the cafeteria and concluded that
they were either found of eating or of shirking work.
(m) After his retirement, the management spoke of him …………………………. and with great
(n) The ……………………..of swine flu is increasing in a alarming manner.
10. Complete the following sentences by adding noun clauses as objects. Use the clues given in
brackets and the appropriate subordinating conjunction. (8)
i) I don’t know ……………………………….(get/money back).
ii) Can anyone tell me ………………………………………….(the matter/with him)?
iii) Please confirm ………………………………….(you can come/on Sunday).
iv) It is a good thing …………………………(he/working hard).
v) The airhostess asked me ………………………………………………..(want/coffee, tea or juice).
vi) I don’t understand ………………………………………….(she couldn’t/come/event).
vii) Preeti hasn’t decided ………………………………….(go/Mumbai).
viii) Jitendera didn’t say …………………………………………..(he/stay in Delhi).


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